Friday, July 27, 2007


Considering I am a member of virtually (no pun intended) every single social networking website known to woman and man (because I am so cool) I guess it was only a matter of time before I started my own blog. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing here or what one does with a blog, but I suppose I'll figure it out as I go along.

To start, I will share a little about myself:

I have lived in NYC for the past 4 years with my fabulous roommates, Maura and Megan (if you want to get technical, I have only actually lived with Megan for the past 3 years, but who's counting really?). We put a lot of love into our leaky little cockroach-infested Spanish Harlem apartment, and have had some rollicking good times climbing up and down our crumbling six flights of stairs. No joke. It has been one of the coziest, most loving and special homes I have ever lived in--mostly because of my precious little family-mates :)

But, as our friend Ben Harper says, every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end... and on September 1st I will officially be living downtown with my delicious little ithacan- tennis playin-jew ScottyRubes. I am very excited for us to finally cohabitate. For the past two and a half or so years, I have been lugging my belongings back and forth from Hoboken and then the financial district way up to SpaHa and back...and boy, let me tell you that can get exhausting. Maura said I was like a child with divorced parents. So it will be nice to just have one home to go to , and of course to see Scotty every night and morning without question.

So, that's my life lately in a tiny little nutshell. Please stay tuned for more exciting news.

ps. this is kind of weird--it's kind of like writing an email to someone, except I'm sort of talking to myself.


Scottyrubes said...

nice to meet you kristin.

Kristin Murphy said...

when are you going to write more?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Can't wait for your upcoming posts!!! :)